Lane availability

A rolled up bunch of swimming lane ropes 

Our lane availability is updated every Monday for the coming week. Sometimes we may have to change lane availability on the day if needed. 

The number of available lanes shown is inclusive of aqua play.

To access the most up to date lane availability we recommend you bookmark this page.

View your preferred location below to view lane availability details.

Collingwood Leisure Centre

Collingwood lane availability

Main pool opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 6am to 8.45pm
Saturday: 7am to 5.45pm
Sunday: 7am to 6.45pm

Fitzroy Swimming Pool

Fitzroy lane availability

Main pool opening hours

Monday to Friday: 6am to 8.45pm
Saturday and Sunday: 7am to 6.45pm

Richmond Recreation Centre

Richmond lane availability

Main pool opening hours

Monday to Friday: 6am to 8.45pm

Saturday and Sunday: 7am to 6.45pm